My scrap classes have all come to a halt until this baby decides to make an appearance. Which makes me happy on the one hand because I am big, tired and slow. But on the other hand makes me sad because I really looked forward to it every week. There is some blooming talent in those classes that I want to keep a tab on! One girl who was there every week she could be was
Sasha. Always looking for the next cool project, always listening, learning. Always decorating an album or some other big project when the others were making cards. Just
fun, creative and fabulous to be around. So months ago I promised her I'd feature her on my blog soon as she finished her first scrapbook page. Well one thing led to another of course and between school breaks, me throwing up for 4 months of my pregnancy and ordering in some
Stickles for her to finish off the project, it just didn't get done. Until now. So here you go Sasha...your very own page on my blog. Keep up with your projects, you are some kind of talent girl and you can only get better!
This was Sasha's very first 12x12 scrapbook page. Photos have not been added yet. This photo does not do it justice...she added some Mod Citrus rub ons, Stickles and gems. In this particular class I was encouraging the students to use what they had and invent their own title letters. Sometimes when dealing with used supplies (or my own for that matter!) we often end up with an E missing, etc. This was Sasha's take on the class, she decorated each individual letter.

For the Valentine's day class, we were just making cards but Sasha decided to start another paperbag album. We had done them a few weeks prior to this so she knew what to do. I loved the layering of the paper flowers on this!

Hopefully, after the birth I'll still have one or two opportunities to teach card classes but it depends on how I am feeling. I will for sure be starting more classes when we move in the summer! I am looking forward to seeing what unfolds. More class pictures to come in the next couple weeks...we did some great stuff at Easter! Happy Scrapping!