Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Another Fabulous Scrapbooking Diva

A HUGE round of applause and many pats on the back for
Diana Daijogo!

She sent me the most wonderful package of scrapbooking supplies for my kids crop which starts in the Fall. Diana, you are a DOLL! Thank-you SO MUCH! Everyone please check out Diana's creative goodness on Scrap In Style and be sure to visit her blog and leave her TONS of comments about how awesome and generous she is! I will have much better posts regarding the kids class at the end of August when school starts up again. The class itself starts the first week in September and I can hardly wait! Grades 7 through 12, look out! 'Cause here I COME!


scrappaleica said...

Okay Kate, I'm officially making it my mission to drown you in scrapbook supplies for your fantastic mission work with those kids! I swear you will be saving them from drugs, alcohol abuse, and more!!!! Check out my site. I'm doing 2 more events that will help you out. Hurray for these awesome SISters! Way to go Diana!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate!
Let me know when you will be in Saskatoon so I can get you my donations of stuff. If that doesn't work, I can send them with Leica.

Diana D said...

Thanks for the kuddos-
It was my pleasure to help out. I have more stuff too. I think I will have to send it over in smaller amounts though.
Keep up the good work.