Although I don't have all the photos to prove I was actually there yet.
But courtesy of the sweet April, I do have a few photos of Trisha Ladouceur and I dying laughing after her class "Pint-sized paintables". I did a cute double canvas all aglow with as many colours of Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist as I could get my paws on. It was a dirty good time, let me tell ya. I can't remember exactly what we were laughing at here but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with my Dolly Parton sized chest as I hadn't nursed in about 12 hours at that point. Don't you just love my profile...thanks for the great nose Dad. (Insert dry sarcasm here) It's not an attractive photo...I really don't know why I am subjecting myself to staring at it like a bad train wreck but it really shows how hard I was laughing. Like squint your eyes, make three chins, all the teeth showing to the back molars laughing.

Others I loved meeting but have no actual proof of said meeting yet were Jill Hildebrand, Amanda LePage and Corinne Braun. So I will give them their very own blog post later in the week complete with photos. Actually, I never did get a photo with Amanda or Corrine!!! Girls, I'll be stalking you extra hard at the next event...just to give you fair warning. Amanda just happens to be on the Just Cr8 Design Team and I am happily scrapping my way through their 5 week long idols contest. I have low expectations for scoring a lot of points but super HIGH expectations to come out of it with 5 layouts I love and a whole lot more inspiration. Plus, with the deadlines looming it forces me to actually sit down and work which is always good.
Almost 3am, seriously? I need to get to bed. I'll blog my little heart out again soon.