I realize the irony (or would it be just sheer genius?) of praising the internet...
while on the internet. But oh my word, how I looove me some online shopping. It actually makes me giddy. And it's way, way, WAY too easy to click a couple of times and
poof...something beautiful arrives at your door. It's almost therapeutic in the midst of winter. This is my latest online purchase:

I bought 3 of them just as singles last November at Sask Scraps. The lovely Donna Houston from Fort McMurray, AB had her store set up for our shopping convenience {or should I say pleasure?}.
Inspired Designs Scrapbooking Boutique carries waaay too many beautiful things. Donna really stays current and she knows what people want. Like these markers. I went trudging up there, complaining about the quality of my old journalling pens and ever so casually she asked if I had seen these pens? I wrote with a few of them and I was
hooked. So smooth to write with, a touch of glitter, vibrant colours. In short,
AMAZING! Wow, I must like them. I am seriously overusing the italics here. LOL
Pens have been a sore spot with me for quite a while now. I buy pens all the time with little success. The only other ones I have been primo happy with are the Signo Uniball in white, gold and silver. I have no idea why they don't come in other colours. Or maybe that they just don't have other colours in Canada? Whatever...I really like them. But for coloured pens, I have not found a truly exceptional pen. Until now. Oh and speaking of wasting money (which I have done trying to find the perfect pen) please avoid coughcoughMarthaStewartcoughcough. Not to badmouth anyone here...but seriously, worst purchase
ever. And waaaaay more expensive than the Spica markers. 'Nuff said. So head on over to
Inspired Designs Scrapbooking Boutique, do a little online shopping and tell Donna I sent you over. No, we don't have a business deal going...she just has amazing customer service, to die for products and she's a doll to top it off. So why not tell her that? Thank-you Donna! xox