Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Anyone can make a difference.

You just have to try. Don't be discouraged if you think you are "Only one person". Moses was "Only one person". Noah was "Only one person". Jesus was "Only one person". Now, I am not comparing my friends to Jesus but do we not strive to be Christ like in our lives? I've always been the type to help others without thinking twice about it but over the last year and a half of living here I have really kicked myself in the behind about it because I was slacking. Because of where I live. I thought "Why do it? Nobody will appreciate it." That simply is not the case, no matter where you are. So here is a very easy way to bless others today, I hope you all take a minute to participate. It is an amazing Pay It Forward that doesn't require heading out into the snow. BLESS SOMEONE TODAY!!!
Head over to WILNA FURSTENBERG'S BLOG. A dear friend of hers is battling cancer and Wilna has come up with a fantastic way to lift her spirits. Take 5 minutes out of your day to make a card for Lois!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Saddle Up, Scrap Class Rides Again!

The weather has settled down a wee was "only" (I use that term loosely) -18 C today. For all you Fahrenheit folks that would be about 0. And tonight it's dipping down to -47 C or -53 F. That's actually the warmest day we've had in a while so scrapbooking class was back on yesterday and that makes me extremely happy! Some of these kids are SO talented. We were just messing around with Valentine's cards and some decided to take on a bigger project and start some paperbag albums. Some of the guys were pretty jazzed to be making something personal for their girlfriends for Valentine's Day. I had them all convinced it was the best (and cheapest!) way to are insanely expensive up here. So we had quite a few dropping in to create something sweet.

This morning I was up before the sun (which up here right now means about 8:30am) to teach a card class to some highschool students at Dene High. My close friend Denise teaches a Functional Intergrated Program which is a program that teaches life skills. She asked me to come in and do some Valentine's stuff with the kids for the better part of the morning. It took us all a while to get going but boy, when we started busting out the fancy paper and bling, these kids really started to shine. We did a bunch of embossing which everyone (even the crazy teacher) caught onto really quickly. In just one demonstration the kids were manning the embossing gun themselves. Check out some of the mad talent in these rookie papercrafters:






And we even got the teacher and tutor in on things!
Denise (Oops, I mean Ms. Dewling)

Tina (tutor)

Again, I have to thank a whole bunch of people for sending donations of scrapbooking supplies... from the SISters and MISters at Scrap In Style to all sorts of scrapbookers right across the country courtesy of the amazing layout Leica Forrest did about us for Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine in the Winter 2007/2008 issue. The call for supplies they put out has kept a steady stream of packages arriving every couple of weeks. This is how these programs stay running. THANK-YOU!!! For the first year I did the card making classes at both the elementary and highschool and I used all my own supplies...things were getting a little slim! But with the absolute outpouring of generosity I've not only stepped up the card classes but the Great White Scrapbooking Program is going strong (HUGE Thank-you to Dayna and Denise for all their help this week!) and the adult and family craft classes at Dene K'oe have started. I am really looking forward to seeing what happens this summer...I have MONSTER plans for an inner city scrapbooking program in Saskatoon. Stay never know what I'll come up with next!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Dreaming of CHA

CHA. Oh CHA. Do you know what CHA is? It's the Craft and Hobby Association trade show and it is my dream. Well, my scrapbooking dream anyway. This is where the creme de la creme of the crafting world release their top secret, amazing new products to the world. Wholesalers, store owners, scrapbookers, designers, they are all there to see what's totally hot and who is up and coming. It's a crazy madhouse of out of control scrapbooking goodness. Watch out, someday I'll be there. There are tons of websites you can check out to hear about what's going on throughout the weekend. A few of my faves are the Making Memories Blog, Hambly, Scrap In Style, American Crafts, Prima, Maya Road and of course a lot of the designers are throwing a few things on their sites like Elsie Flanningan and Cheryl Mezzetti just to name a couple. BUT, the point of this post (and I do have an AMAZING point, I promise) is a great new product I just learned about. I am doing my very first clear album ever and have been surfing the net trying to find good ideas so I checked out Leica Forrest's blog (of course) and found this:

I hope the girls at Fire & Ice Designs don't mind that I lifted these pictures off their site!!! I just loved them. Read about the concept of the Build a Book...I love the idea. I'm hoping to be doing a lot more clear albums with their great tips! And who doesn't love Prima??? I think they have a wonderful thing going there. Way to go!

So don't be afraid to try new things. They may not be your regular scrap style and you may feel uncomfortable with using new lines, new products or completely new tools or adhesive but branch out! You never know where this crazy artform is going to take you! Mine is taking me to CHA. Someday.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Where does the week go?!?

First off...HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELI!!! Have a fabulous day girl, can't wait to see you!!! Check out Keli's blog...she has a great video on there right now courtesy of Wilna.

I seriously thought it hadn't been that long since I had blogged. Apparently my sense of time is a little warped. I have been busy...really I have. Not just pregnant eating busy but truly busy with things that need to get done which is a blessing because it means I'm still mobile enough to finish projects! I am doing SO much better than with my first pregnancy so if I'm not sitting at the computer I am going to rejoice because it means I'm still on my feet! A few things I've been working on:

Getting fatter...

Had fondue with the girls (and the little boys) on Thursday night. Fondue should be a food group.

Actual scrapbooking projects...
I am plugging away at my son's first year album right now. He's three. Yeah, I know. But it's my goal to have it done by the end of the month. Keep me accountable PLEASE!!! Bug me, pester me, e-mail me! Are you done yet Kate? Did you scrapbook today Kate? How's the album coming Kate?! I'm doing pretty good, especially since I've been scrapjacking Christine Middlecamp for a few layouts. She's somewhat hard to jack because of all the great layered elements in her work but she definitely gives me the inspiration and general direction to go in.

I can't claim that they look anything like her work but I'm extremely pleased with them. Here's one I love.

Just a side note: I seriously didn't mean for there to be a huge "BS" in the title, those just happened to be the Thickers I had available. SIGH.

And the layout that inspired it.

Check out Christine's gallery on Scrap In Style TV.

Other than that...the weather has been horrendously cold and all classes have been cancelled unfortunately. Monday the kids class starts again and hopefully we'll have almost everyone there. We haven't had a proper class since before Christmas because of this insane cold and I've been trying to get a group photo so I can do a layout as a thank-you to Canadian Scrapbooker for publishing us. I'll get there eventually...Scrap Happy everyone!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Nesting, Cravings and other weird pregnant things not at all related to scrapbooking...unless I start eating my pattern paper.

Headache today. Tired belly. Tired everything in fact. That's probably because I spent the last two days cleaning out closets that didn't really need to be cleaned at that moment. It's a pregnant nesting thing and gives you scads of energy to complete the project your weird little mind sets itself to...and then you pay the price for the next several days. Day before yesterday it was the laundry and the linen closet (Also known as Junkville, USA) and yesterday it was my entire scrapbooking room. Well, the linen closet actually has only linen in it now and it looks fabulous. Look out Martha. And as for my scrapbooking room...I can honestly say that I can sit down and scrapbook now. Praise the Lord. It did need a general tidy but my main problem that was bothering my pregnant brain was my desk. I have this HUGE heavy desk that is 5 feet long by 2.5 feet wide...and my actual work space is about one foot by one foot because of all the supplies stored on top of the desk. So not only did I get myself in gear to do some cleaning, I also dragged the Hubs into the situation and made him hang two shelves. "You want me to do what?!" He also reminded me we are moving in 5 months. I didn't care. The shelves don't match and one of them isn't even painted. I didn't care about that either. I wanted to get that stuff off my desk. You really have a very focused mind for certain things when you are in your last trimester. Keeping track of your three year old, your keys and your sanity...not so much. But if there is a mess that is bugging you, you have extreme focus. So they are not so nice but terribly functional and I know some day I will have an amazing scrap space that is all matchy matchy and filled with wonderful items from Ikea and Home Outfitters. But for now, this is what is making me sublimely happy:

And just for fun, here is my six and a half month pregnant belly. The mirror was a little spotty but you get the idea...

I promised some stuff from my scrap classes last weekend but due to the extreme weather we have been having we had to cancel both classes. The adult class was cancelled because there was no heat in the building! So be week will bring some great creativity from the students! Until then, I'll have to post some new stuff. Stay tuned. xox