Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A Whole Day's Worth of VERY Cool Stuff...in no particular order
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my darling younger son! He turned one yesterday and there was no blog post because I was too busy outdoing Martha. Check it out:
Seriously, the CUTEST cupcakes I've ever made. Poor Elmo had a couple mishaps but hey, it's nothing that couldn't be hidden with mounds and mounds of buttercream icing!
To celebrate my third blogiversary AND my 600th post, Loopy and I have decided to have some awesome fun and share our good fortune at the upcoming Jonas Brothers concert in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on July 2nd!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Weird Randomness
The part where the weird comes in is the other stuff that has shown up through google. Namely someone from Istanbul googled "your babes" and my blog comes up amidst some "other" stuff that you can probably imagine without too much trouble. Innocent on my part...because of this post. And a G rated one is somebody googled "Phillipians 4:13 mug" and came across my blog because of the scripture in the title.
That is my rambling for the night...some of you may wonder "Hey Lady! Where are all the new scrapbook pages?" Do you think I have time to scrapbook? No. I sit at the computer thinking about the cool features on Feedjit. Sigh. It's just how my mind works. Okay, I'm kind of kidding. I actually scrapbook while thinking of Feedjit.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
5 Minutes? For Real?
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
A small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug (MicroSafe)
Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
Pour in the milk and oil and mix well..
Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again. Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.
The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!
Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.EAT ! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous).
And why is this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world? Because now we are all only 5 minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of the day or night!
So me being the anti-microwave person that I am, I thought this was NEVER going to work. In my mind the microwave does not cook food. It makes popcorn, heats tea water when I forget to fill the water cooler and unevenly tries to reheat leftovers. That's it. I really thought this was just going to be a great way to occupy the children for 5 minutes. I have my 8 year old niece for a sleepover and all I've been listening to all day is VERY high pitched squeals of delight as the kids chase each other around, in and out of the house. Sorry to all the neighbours on my cul-de-sac. LOL So we gathered up the "cast of characters" as The Pioneer Woman would say (I LOVE HER) and I started measuring things out and the kids had a jolly good time dumping stuff in their own personal mugs. Well knock me over with a feather...a few short minutes later we had CHOCOLATE CAKE! Dry ingredients first:
Then egg, milk, oil and vanilla.
Pop them into the microwave for 3 minutes per mug. So 6 minutes later...
We had this:
At this point, my ever critical Martha-ness came out and I thought "We are NEVER going to be able to get that out of the mug." BUT true to the recipe, they slid out of the mug onto a plate with no effort at all. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! I was shocked. So then came the taste testing and no, it's not the best I've ever tasted but for 5 minutes? It's darn good.
Notes for next time:
-One mug is PLENTY for 2 kids to share. They each had their own and they are climbing the walls now.
-I would cut down on the cocoa just a smidge
-For sure add the chocolate chips. I omitted them to just try out the actual cake part. It's a little lacking.
-I'd use 1 tbsp oil and 2 tbsp applesauce.
-Eat it right away. When the cake cools it gets pretty hard.
This is something I'd for sure try again! Great for a rainy day like today!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
You Bug Me!

This is one of the new paper lines by Bo Bunny. I took a class at Camp Croppin' featuring this FAB little project (Ok, not so little...it's 12x12 but it's still SUPER cute!).Above are the stock photos from the Camp Croppin' website and below is my project. I can't wait to get some pictures of the boys in here! The pictures were snapped quickly but you get the gist of it I'm sure!
I think I am going to adapt this into a 6x6 project for the Boys and Girls Club for Mother's Day. The kids are going to love it!
Friday, April 10, 2009
A very merry Easter to you
We don't do the whole Easter Bunny thing at our house. We do hide chocolate eggs for the kids to find but they know full well who makes the Easter treats. And I don't have a fuzzy tail. A haystack "nest" loaded with candies, complete with a cute little peep. Martha, eat your heart out.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Camp Croppin' win and I promise it won't be as long as an Oscar speech
At our table, Jody got a nod for one of her cards! She won a great product package. And Kelsy walked away with a HUGE door prize!!! It was a Xyron Personal Cutting System with ALL the cartridges and a carrying case! Shut the DOOR! That is a FAB prize.
Barb Riley (Saskatchewan) won "Best Journalling" with her AMAZING layout "Chicks Dig Scars". I was SO happy for her as I have seen the layout up close. The journalling was from the heart, all about her family's emotional battle with her husband's heart condition. He is well and back to his old activities which makes the win that much sweeter! Congratulations Barb!
Forgive me my scatterbrained tendencies but I don't know the names of the other winners. Maybe Leica can help me out with that??? There was a prize for "Best Photography" that last year's overall winner won. Beautiful photos of her two boys. Then there was the third runner up, second runner up and overall winner. Forgive the long post, but for me this is rather awkward to blog about. Initially, I thought I had a great shot at the Journalling prize, then when Barb won it I thought I was done. All the other prizes were announced and we were all cheering and having a great time. Then Katarina announced the overall prize winner. And it was me. Well shut the DOOR. Or HOLD THE PHONE (as Sue Sykes would say) Did I ever lose my mind. I bawled the entire way up to the front and the whole thing is one big blur. Photos were taken (Lord help me, I hope THOSE don't get published!) and I carried my prize back to my table. The box was so huge I couldn't carry anything else so Leica shoved the gift certificate down the front of my shirt! LOL So I got $500 worth of scrapbooking supplies all by American Crafts who I LOVE (Thickers...oh how I adore you), a weekend for two at the Bloomin' Inn one of the BEST scrapbook retreat centres in Canada and my winning layout will be published in the Fall edition of Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine.
It's a dream I hope I don't wake up from anytime soon. So please, please, please help a scatterbrain out and if you have any photos to share, please do so! Photos of any of the winners, people having fun, shots of your table (or mine for that matter!), pics of classes, etc. Shout them out! Thank-you to all the sweet gals who had so many nice things to say. Can't wait to meet up with you all again soon!
***ETA PHOTOS*** Thanks for the photos Kelsy!!!