Martha has her "Good Things". Oprah has her "Favourite Things". Well move over Martha and look out Oprah...these are a couple of
my favourite good things.
I LOVE on-line shopping. A little addiction I have picked up living so far North. I love browsing the sites. I love filling a cyber shopping cart. And I LOVE the 3 easy clicks it takes to pay for something. Maybe that's a bad thing...
And then Voila! Beautiful things show up on your doorstep. Well. OK. I don't have doorstep service
per say but it shows up at the office and Hubs drags the boxes home. Did I mention he walks to work? What a trooper. Especially when donation boxes arrive. His face was 3 shades of red the last time that happened.
"What is in this sucker?" He barely made it up the stairs! Turns out it was another great donation from
Patty Rose and her group of crazy, generous scrapbookers from Ontario! But I digress...
Here is my latest purchase from
Land's End and as a Mum on the go I am SO jazzed to try them out:

It's also GARAGE SALE DAY!!! Woo HOO!!!
I love going to sales but I have to admit even with all the work involved,
I love having them too. It means I am getting rid of a whole lot of stuff
I don't need. If I have clutter around me it squishes the creativity right out of me.
I don't know where it goes but it certainly doesn't hit a scrapbook page. So over the last month I purged every single room and closet in the house. Including the basement. As
FLYLady says, just take babysteps. And if you don't know what in the world I am talking about...
check this out.
So all my purged scrapbook supplies went into my class boxes, getting all ready for my new project to be started in September!!! SO excited about that too. And everything else is tagged and stacked in my dining room. My house looks like an episode of Clean Sweep right now. And as of 5pm tonight everything will be gone gone GONE!

It's going to be a gooder. We are so remote that people jump on stuff like this. They should be called garage stampedes! No need to stay open for the whole weekend or even the whole day. No need to advertise very heavily, a few signs at the grocery store will do. And I guarantee at least 85% of it will be gone in the first hour and a half. So think of me between 5pm and 8pm. I'll be wading through a throng of people trying to keep an eye on my 3 year old. Who also loves the thrill of the sale!