Thursday, December 27, 2007
Welcome 2008~!!!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Christmas came early!
hers was the very first box of stuff for the kids due to the article in CS and she wrote me a lovely letter along with it! The stuff covered half my dining table!!! Check out Gail's generosity:

Other packages have been arriving almost daily so every other day or so I'll thank a new person! This class has gotten so much bigger than I ever expected...I can NOT thank everyone enough! Classes are done now until mid January when school gets back into full swing. Our last hurrah is on Dec 21st...the high school asked me to come in and be one of the stations for their Christmas Extravaganza. It's the last day of school so the kids get to sign up for different fun activities. I'll take some pictures and post them next week.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Family Scrapboooking at it's finest

This program is held every Tuesday night and it is to promote family togetherness through crafts. Ornaments, painting, you name it...but the first Tuesday of every month is scrapbooking. So this week I taught everyone how to work off of a sketch. I absolutely LOVE the Pencil Lines website for this. If you are stuck for inspiration, just head over there and find amazing ideas with just one click! I hear it all the time...I don't scrapbook because I'm not creative. I want to scrapbook but I can never think of what to do. I have a bunch of supplies but I don't know how to use them. Well, the pencil lines site cures that and more! Working from a sketch is not a road's meant to inspire you and cultivate your own interpretation of the sketch. Well, the kids certainly had their own interpretation! Following directions, not so much a priority for the little guys but boy, did they ever have FUN. And that is what it is all about! Some beautiful work was done and I can't thank my fellow scrapbookers enough for all the donations of used supplies! Especially Leica Forrest for her crops held at Yesterday's Memories and Jeanette and the amazing people over at Scrap In Style!!! Couldn't have done it without you girls. Take a look at what the kids were up to (stickers are very popular!):

And with such long waits for photos way up here, a main focus on the class was how to do a blank layout and that it's ok to add pictures later. Here is the main sketch from the Pencil Lines site and the example I came up with. I kept it very simple and to the point to show how fast and easy it can be. Voila! 15 minutes later you have a scrapbook page:

Friday, November 30, 2007
A Layout About Me...published!
A couple projects on the go right now...I did a mini book with my fantabulous Zutter Machine that I won at the JSI Spring Crop in April and it actually turned out~! Thanks to Ralna for her tutorial, this thing was giving me serious trouble. But now I'm a Zuttering fool.
Check out me and my bad self: (This original idea came from Wilna Furstenberg's Make N Take at the JSI Spring Fling)
I'm also working on other altered projects like scrapbooked Christmas ornaments, other mini books and homemade Christmas cards/letters/envelopes/all in one type of thing. Thank-you to Wilna Furstenberg for her wonderful RAK. She sent me Season of Joy book by MM and it is really outstanding. I am doing 2 of the projects in there right now! And Wilna is in the book which is great too...I love her style. This book is a must have for the holiday scrapper.
What else to tell??? I'll have LOTS of trip LOs coming your way before Christmas...I have grand plans of finishing (did I just say the F word???) my 2003 trip to Mexico, 2007 trip to the Dominican and my son's first year album all before the baby comes in April. Plus all the Christmas projects I am into right now. Am I crazy? Yes, yes I am.
And loving every minute of it.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Green turns to Greener
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I'm a GREEN Girl!!!


In the 2007 Grey Cup! And while they do, we'll be scarfing down mini calzones (both regular pizza AND 4 cheese spinach for the more refined palette), hot wings, chips and dip, hot cheese dip with homemade bread, garlic toast, shrimp and fudge. So here is a little known fact about me...I love Football. I'm not a die hard during the regular season, I just keep up. But if my team makes it to the CUP?!!? Break out the Green Paint, get something in the deep fryer and crank up the volume 'cause there's going to be a PARTY!!!
A few interesting tidbits on tomorrow's game:
It is Canada's largest annual sports and television event, regularly drawing a Canadian viewing audience of about 4 million.
In 1909, the Grey Cup was donated by the then Governor General of Canada, Earl Grey, to recognize the top amateur rugby football team in Canada.Over time, the Grey Cup became the property of the Canadian Football League as it evolved into a professional football league.The Grey Cup has been broken several times. The trophy was broken in 1978 when Tom Wilkinson and Danny Kepley dropped it, and in 1987 when a celebrating Edmonton Eskimos player sat on it. It was again broken in 1993 when it was head-butted by Edmonton's Blake Dermott. During the victory celebration immediately following the 94th Grey Cup game in 2006, the winning BC Lions accidentally broke the cup from its base, which contains the engraved names of the players on each years' winning team. It was repaired the following Monday.[3] Other notable events include a 1947 fire which almost destroyed the trophy and a 1969 theft in which the trophy was held for ransom.
Saskatchewan has only won the cup twice THIS IS OUR YEAR FOR #3!~ Saskatchewan defeated the Ottawa Rough Riders 29 to 14 in 1966. The game was played in Vancouver.
The 1989 game against the Hamilton Tiger-Cats is widely believed to have been the best Grey Cup game of recent times. Saskatchewan won the game by a score of 43 to 40, capped by a game-winning field goal by Dave Ridgway.
Yeah, so I'm a geek and I love trivia...and no, I haven't gone crazy with my taste in music. DJ Khaled's "We Takin' Over" is the Roughrider's song!!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Sing to your babes tonight
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Say a prayer for all
War is not only a memory...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
What if it was too late?
This is not fiction. This happened to many, many people. And because of over 40,000 Canadian lives laid down for us (and another 50,000+ injuries), we have an identity. We have freedom of expression. We have rights. They are a reality. So don't give me excuses about not having time, not knowing enough about it or not caring "because my one vote doesn't matter." It does matter. Because if your right to vote was taken away in a heartbeat, wouldn't that matter?
Monday, October 29, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Always willing to share the wisdom

Put some squares of chocolate on top of that and then balance your marshmallows on top of that. Then drizzle caramel sauce all over everything. Drooling yet? Now butter more bread and put it on top butter side up. That keeps it from sticking.
Now here's where it gets tricky. Close the contraption so everything squishes together but try not to lose any of the good stuff. Now place it on a cozy camp fire for a few minutes. Make sure you stand there and turn it every so often and you have to open it to see how close you are to golden brown perfection. And if it's dark out, you need a good friend to hold a flashlight for you while you open it and check. Thanks Megan. Love ya baby.
And thus, the pudgy pie comes to life. It is 100% essential that you eat it on a chilly Canadian evening with a mug of hot chocolate. Enjoy! And if you have already heard of the bush pie maker...give a shout out and tell me what your favourite recipe is for using this brilliant invention. I have a feeling we have one more pudgy pie picnic in us before the snow falls. Oh I hope. :0)
Friday, October 19, 2007
I think I forget my own name
* My darling little son turned 3 and we had a HUGE birthday bash for him. 14 little kids...I am certifiable insane!
* I had my 5th wedding anniversary
* My kids scrapbook class is starting
* Leica Forrest donated so many scrap supplies to the class I had to store some of them at my in laws!
* I was sorely disappointed about missing the Canada's Scrapbooking Crop for Kids in Edmonton last weekend
* I was asked to be on a store design team (website launches soon!)
* December will bring BIG scrapbooking news (but it's a secret until then!)
* I'm pregnant
* I got a great haircut at my sister's salon (nothing drastically different, just nice)
* We hit a deer on the way home last week ($6000 damage to the truck...ouch!)
* I got into the Harvest Crop at Just Scrap It with Keli. Last crop I won the Zutter machine!
HOLD THE PHONE...REWIND....Did she say she was PREGNANT?!?!?
Yes, yes I am! After a whole year of deep discussion with the hubs, we decided to take the plunge again. I am about 13 weeks and I was never this sick with my first one. Lord help me. It seems to be lessening but still comes all of a sudden at the most inopportune moments!
So those are the general happenings in a nut shell. The kids scrapbooking class starts next Thursday and I couldn't be more excited. We'll be starting out making name tags and I'll have plenty of pictures to post next week. Stay tuned!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
It'll all be over soon...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Diamonds and Scrapbooking...I am living the high life people!

Our anniversary is actually on the 21st but the hubs is working nights all next week so we decided to celebrate today. I put up with his job and bought him a really nice motorcycle jacket. He puts up with my scrapbooking and bought me diamonds. And that's why we work.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Presents, Blessings and all kinds of good things
The winner of my RAK is .... drumroll please ....
Check out her profile on Scrap In Style. She's doing some great digi stuff these days! Thanks so much for your participation! Please PM me at SIS so I can get your gift mailed out ASAP. Which translates of course to "Please e-mail me as soon as you can before I have to send this blinkin' machine back for it's second repair in as many months." Yes, I'm bitter and darn it I'm not ready to be okay with it yet!
Ok, so enough pouting. I've got big news...that has to wait a little while. I've also named the kids class and it should get rolling next week. So I'll have one great big post with some FAB photos because I'll have my camera back by then. So stay tuned...
Friday, September 7, 2007
Without Photos...does life really even exists???
Get to the good stuff...OK, fine. A while back I promised a RAK when I got back from camping. Due to some technical difficulties that RAK had been delayed but I'm totally ready for it now and I have to get it sent away before I have to send the computer away again. So, leave a comment here with your best idea for a name for my kid's crop and you're entered to WIN! Plus, I will be adding the previous comments from the first RAK post into the draw as well. Enter once, enter twice, leave as many comments as you want. Share the LUB baby...share the LUB.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
So I've got good news and bad news...
As for good news...I spent the better part of last Friday being entertained and simply AMAZED by the one and only Leica Forrest. And of course her darling little men Riley and Jager. My son was in heaven. They beat each other with sports equipment, got dirty, made lots of noise and had a generally all around "boy" good time. Leica is such a great person. Just a normal, down to earth Mommy who happens to be an amazing scrapbooker. Who happens to have been published a million times. Who happens to be teaching at the Crop and Cruise. Who happens to be such an inspirational person. Wow, did she give me some good advice. Thanks for a wonderful day Leica! Let's do it again soon!
Cross your fingers...I am meeting with the principal of the highschool this week to try to get some money out of him so I can buy albums and trimmers for my kids crop. Which I still haven't named yet. Any ideas? It's a class for underpriviledged kids from grades 7 to 12. I need a cool, short name. I am having a terrible time with it. Stay tuned for much more about the class...I'll have weekly updates and photos of all of the amazing creations! Showing the scrapbooking world what your donations can do! Thanks for all the support of supplies, encouragment and prayers! More later!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Oh my word, oh my word, oh my WORD~!~!~!
We were all set to leave August 8th for MeadowLake Provincial Park to do some camping with the Thiele family. On August 6th Keli called me at 9:45pm. Keli never calls me that late. So I immediately though something bad had happened. It was just the opposite.
Kel: "Um, hi...where are you going to be on Saturday?"
Me: "Meadow Lake, why?"
Kel: "Anyway you can get to P.A. that day?"
Me: "Probably not, why?
Kel: "Are you sure you can't get to P.A. on that day?
Me: "WHY?!?!?"
That's a little abbreviated but you get the idea. And so the conversation went on to reveal that Wilna Furstenberg, scrapbook diva extraordinaire, Scrap In Style Fashionista, MM Designer, etc, etc, etc (who also happens to be one of my most FAVE scrapbookers) was inviting some people to her house for a special class. Shut UP, I know!!! I almost dropped the phone. But then came the call to the hubby to ask if it was ok to ditch the wonderful family campers on Saturday to drive the 3.5 hours (turned into 4 due to the rain) and attend the amazing class. He said it was ok if it was that important to me. Is he kidding? Important, uh yes it is. Wilna has this free spirit type of style that I love and have wanted to learn for some time. So it was very important to me. I worked the details out with Keli and sure enough on Saturday I found myself sitting at Wilna Furstenberg's kitchen table cutting and gluing and...well the rest is top secret because the reason she held the class was to test it out before she taught it to a thousand scrapbookers in South Africa at the end of the month so I can't spoil it. No, that is not a typo. A thousand. Gorgeous South Africa. Check out this site for all the details of what sounds like an incredible convention!!! I can't say what the project was or post pictures of it yet but I can say this...No matter what type of scrapbooker you are, from beginner to advanced, wild to conservative, die hard or occasional dabbler, this project is fun, completely doable and will certainly impress. The instructions were very clear and easy to understand, it's adaptable (my pictures didn't quite fit with the requirements and it didn't matter one bit-it still turned out great) and the materials we used were 100% new and exciting! Wilna has excellent taste and I think she really has her finger on the pulse of the scrapbooking community. If I attended the South African Convention (Oh my, I wish!) I would be thrilled with her as a teacher and the project is a huge pleaser. Way to go Wilna! Thank-you SO MUCH for being so warm and welcoming. It was a pleasure to be a part of this. If you ever need a guinea pig...for anything at all...don't even hesitate to call!!! Count me IN!
I always joke that I stalk Wilna. Her blog, her profile on SIS, the MM blog, etc. Am I still considered a stalker if I was invited to her house? ;0) And so my scrapbooking adventures continue...until next time.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Will the problems NEVER END???
Just a few layouts I did in the last week:
First LO using the Love, Elsie line. I LOVE it!!! Elsie Flannigan is my current scrap crush.
Trying to use up some of my mountains of ribbon. Still lovin' the American Craft Thickers.
Still working on my niece's birth to 5 years album...used a bit of the Love, Elsie stuff on here. But I am also IN LOVE with these new little Epoxy Sticker pebbly things by Cloud 9 Design. I have them in every colour Just Scrap It carries. They're the cat's pajamas baby!
Scrap happy and enjoy the rest of this glorious summer!!!
***If you want to read the journaling on the first layout go to my profile on SCRAP IN STYLE TV!***
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Another Fabulous Scrapbooking Diva

Monday, July 30, 2007
I'm Completely DROWNING in...

Saturday, July 28, 2007
Please Remember...
Tomorrow marks the 6th anniversary of the untimely and certainly unjust death of Jody Ferlaak's beloved daughter Teagan. Jody is an amazing inspiration to me as a Mother, a woman and a scrapbooker. I stumbled across her blog quite by accident one day earlier this year and read her heartbreaking story. Now I read her blog daily and am reminded each and every day of how precious my life is. The lives of my child and husband and how important our walk with the Lord is. Please remember how special small moments are. Like 25 kisses. And when your child is begging for your attention to look at their latest drawing and you sternly say "Out of my kitchen! Mummy is making supper!" It only takes a moment. A precious moment of connecting one heart to another. The chicken won't burn. Just kneel down and appreciate the little life you created. That 12 seconds will leave an imprint on their heart. {And it's so much easier than chasing them out of the kitchen for the next 45 minutes.} Appreciate. Love. Learn. Open your heart to the amazing things God has given you and has in store for you in the future. Scrapbooking is an outlet for Jody and she inspires us all as a Fashionista on the Scrap In Style TV website. Check her out. Your life will change. I guarantee it. We love you Jody and our prayers are with you this weekend.
"If happiness were tangible, I think you could have grabbed a handful of it in our place yesterday." ~Jody Ferlaak after her daughter Bella's 5th birthday party. Keep reaching for that Joy.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Can you die from Camera Withdrawl?
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Cool Things You Should Totally Check Out
Help me, I'm melting
Friday, July 20, 2007
Doesn't EVERYone know Mr. Vuitton???
Monday, July 16, 2007
Off Line and Out of Control
And by tommorow I of course meant Monday

It was just a quick little project so I could show it finished, but I love stuff like that. Quick and simple. Ladies, thank-you for dropping by my blog and enjoy your RAK!
Stay tuned this week for some great featured artists who have contributed to my scrapbooking class project. Many blessings today everyone!
Friday, July 13, 2007
All kinds of COOL stuff!
P.S. I am working on sending out my RAKs as well. They weren't cool enough last week so I decided to wait until this week to send them out. I'll post a pic tomorrow of the RAK goodness!!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Pray And Hold Your Loved Ones Close
Friday, July 6, 2007
Still Singin' With Willie
We're still in S'toon and won't be leaving until next week. Gotta get a little hot tubin' in with Keli before we go home! I'm still workin' on that Kel! Just wanted to pop in and say I'm still alive even in this heat which I secretly do love. It's great for the skin. I found a little bit of gorgeousness to wear to my SIL's wedding and I can't believe it's actually a dress. That makes me feel pretty. The last dress that actually did that was my wedding dress. 4.5 years ago. So a woo hoo for me! I'll post totally FAB pictures of my darn cute self when I get home. Just had to brag a little about Monday's shopping trip to JSI where I picked up some FANTASTIC stuff. Mostly paper but a few other fun things as well. Totally got my hands on some Sah-WEET Scenic Route paper. Can't wait to get home to scrap! Also like to warn everyone of the talents of Laura the enabler. She and Keli helped me spend...oh, a LOT in just over 30 minutes. My husband may decide one day to read this blog so I better plead the 5th on the exact amount. It was a fun, fun day. Look for lots of new LOs to be posted next week!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Not So Random Acts of Kindness
STACEY FIKE!!! *Cheer!*
Stacey, thank-you so SO much for your more than generous donation!!! People, you should see what this dear woman put together. So many sticker letters I couldn't even begin to count! Many blessings to you and yours Stacey. Thanks again! Now please help me thank Stacey even more by checking out her wonderful blog and SIS profile. She does great work so browse through her gallery and leave excellent comments for her amazing thoughtfulness! for my RAK. I have this thing with the number 3. My Grandfather played pro hockey a whole lot of years ago and wore the number 3. My Mum wore it when she played on the first all girls hockey team in Saskatoon. I wore that number for every sport imaginable growing up and I have a very strong compulsion to always have my LO embellishments in groups of threes. Weird? Yes. Borderline OCD? Probably. But I love 3. So to get to the point, I decided my first giveaway had to be special so I need to give out 3 wonderful RAKs for all the sweet comments left here. And the winners are...
LORI B (Straitfan10)
Laurie (Little Lulu)
Brianna (Taylor130)
Please PM me your mailing addresses on the SIS website. Congrats ladies and thank-you SO MUCH for participating! It was fun! My first RAK! yeah, I'm cool now...
Scrap happy and enjoy the day!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
RAK Goodness and Some Little Warm Fuzzies
So on to the warm fuzzies...what gives you that warm, wonderful fuzzy feeling inside? What melts your heart and makes you thank God for what He has given you on this earth? These are a few of mine:
"What's For Lunch???" Little men and their big appetites warm my heart. I love to cook for my family and I feel very blessed that God provides more than enough for us to share with others. (This is my son and his little buddy from across the street) As an aside, I used a couple of techniques in Picasa to warm the picture up and make it look a little worn. I really like the effects!
Give a man a fish and he eats for one day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime. Pass on those treasured passtimes and talents. God has given each of us a special gift. Use it and pass it on to someone you care about! Spend time with your babies...they won't be babies for long!
Who doesn't love a good smooch on the cheek? Share your love around, try to keep your negative thoughts in check and see how much better your day goes! Our children imitate us at every step. Let them imitate kindness, love and compassion.
No scrapbooking to show off today...we are getting ready to PARTY! Having some friends over tonight for an end of school year bash. Should be a grrrrreat time! Look for some totally FAB pages tomorrow!
Monday, June 25, 2007
I'll Hang My Head In Shame!
I scraplifted this font from Elsie Flannigan's "52 Scrapbooking Challenges". What a fantastic book! She has a stamp set like this that has just come out. I think it's so cute and funky for kids pages! I don't have the stamps so I just grabbed a pen and started drawing it up freehand. I know, shut up I'm getting so brave!
Skylar's first time roller skating. I am so sad that the roller rink is closed down now. It's part of my childhood! We used to live right down the block. I'm so happy we got a picture of at least one of the kids there. You can't really see the bling very well...the photo does not do it justice. I made my own disco ball!
Check out the FAB new members of the DT on the Pencil Lines website!!! It was so exciting waiting to see who would be chosen. And check out my cute self in the gallery! I know, the picture sucks but my computer was down when I applied...I didn't want to let that stop me! It was really fun and if I find other things that appeal to me as much (or more!) as Pencil Lines I won't hesitate to apply again!
Don't forget to give someone you love a big fat smoochie kiss today. It'll make you smile!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
It's All About The Scrapbooking
Andy Warhol ain't got nothin' on me baby!
Just a better photo of this LO. Journaling is here.
Journaling reads: What do you get when you cross an RCMP officer with a Hell's Angel who doesn't know he's with an RCM P officer? A great day of fishing (even though they didn't catch anything) and some very interesting conversation...
Better photo of the LO I did for the Pencil Lines competition. Journaling reads: God made us sisters. But that sure didn't make us friends. Gorwing up was rough but as we traveled the road to adulthood we grudgingly realized each had something to offer the other--something only a sister can give and receive. A meeting of the minds, a lifting of the spirit, a healing of the soul. Maturity helped...but becoming mothers bridged what was left of the gap. Our babies brought us closer together and now that that bond has formed, nothing will ever break it. Unconditional love. Unfailing loyalty. My sister. My best friend. xox